Pimary Results of plant macrofossil studies from the key sections Mamontovy Khayata, Bykovsky Peninsula: a contribution for the reconstruction of the Laptev Sea environmental development

Paleocarpological studies carried out on the Bykovsky Peninsula situated in the southeast of the Lena delta document a species-rich tundra-steppe like vegetation, existing during the Late Pleistocene. The investigated exposure Mamontovy Khayata consists of so-called ice complex deposits, rich in well-preserved organic matter. The carpological results, obtained from several selected horizons, reflect typical Late Pleistocene biocoenoses. The species composition dominated by typical tundra plants is supplemented by steppe and mountain steppe elements. Among the still occuring tundra plants, there predominated mainly pioneer plants, like Potentilla sp. and diverse Caryophyllaceae preferring rather well-drained habitats. Nevertheless, a mosaic-like distribution of both dry and wet locations is evidenced by the appearence of the aquatic plants Potamogeton sp. and Batrachium sp. besides the above mentioned steppe species. The flora distinctly reflects the continental climatic character during the investigated time span, which correlates with the Middle Weichselian. Hence, the paleocarpological data confirm the results of geological studies concerning an emerged Laptev shelf in Pleistocene times. The species-rich flora of the investigated section is promising concerning the reconstruction of Late Pleistocene environmental conditions.