The French-German Arctic Research Base in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen

neuber [ at ]


The German Alfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI) and the French Institut Polair Paul Emil Victor (IPEV) have merged their research stations on Svalbard into a joint Arctic Research Base, located in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen (79°N, 12°E). This merger comprises* Joint announcements of research opportunities* Joint evaluation of research proposals by a French-German Advisory Board* Establishment of joint research projects* Common utilisation of personnel, logistics, and instrumentation* Common project administration and on-site management* Joint representation of the base* Streamlining of logistical and funding mattersThe Joint French-German Arctic Research Base has a two-fold task. It is a general platform for short, medium, and long term research projects in the fields of Atmospheric Sciences, Geo-Sciences, Marine, and Terrestrial Biology. On the other hand, it comprises a state of the art, dedicated atmospheric observatory for Arctic meteorology, atmospheric chemistry and stratospheric monitoring (ozone layer and related research). Beside passive and active remote sensing instrumentation, a modern balloon launch facility is included. The available scientific instrumentation from Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Institut Français Polair Paul Emil Victor, and Univ. of Bremen allows determining type and concentration of trace gases in the troposphere and stratosphere, as well as atmospheric aerosols. Regular meteorological balloon soundings measure the vertical distribution of temperature, water vapour pressure and ozone concentration. In addition the Joint French-German Arctic Research Base offers a range of research facilities and laboratories for scientists in the disciplines of biology, chemistry, geophysics, and atmosphere physics. The station comprises several buildings, offering accommodation for up to 16 people, laboratories and offices. In addition an external clean air station (Corbel-Station) is available outside from the village of Ny-Ålesund. There is one scientist as station leader and one engineer permanently at the station, which are supported by additional personnel from AWI and IPEV during peak periods.Details of the base are available from new International Arctic Marine Laboratory in Ny-Ålesund is available for scientific use since June 2005. It is a state-of-the-art laboratory for research in marine ecology, physiology, biochemistry, as well as some physical sciences like oceanography, marine geology and ice physics. The laboratory is constructed with smaller rooms and laboratories with equipment for different purposes. See proposals from Germany for the French-German Arctic Research Base are welcome until October 2005 for the season April 2006 March 2007.For more information visit contact

Item Type
Conference (Poster)
Publication Status
Event Details
Poster, 22. Internat. Polartagung, 18-24 Sept., Jena, Deutschland..
Eprint ID
Cite as
Neuber, R. and Delbart, F. (2005): The French-German Arctic Research Base in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen , Poster, 22. Internat. Polartagung, 18-24 Sept., Jena, Deutschland. .


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