2-D seismic tomographic and ray tracing modelling of the crustal structure across the Sudetes Mountains basing on SUDETES 2003 experiment data

Wolfram.Geissler [ at ] awi.de


The seismic data obtained during SUDETES 2003 experiment are analysed, and detailed crustal structure for profiles S02, S03 and S06 is presented using three different 2-D techniques: (1) "smooth" tomography of refracted waves travel times, (2) ray tracing of reflected and refracted waves, and (3) joint velocity and depth of reflector tomographic inversion. In spite of different interpretation techniques used, the models of the crustal structure show common characteristic features. The low velocity (Vp <4 km/s) sedimentary layer was documented in the northeastern part of the study area. The topmost basement has in general a velocity of 5.8-6.0 km/s, and velocities at ca. 20 km depth are 6.15-6.25 km/s. The strong reflecting boundaries were found at 20-23 and 25-28 km depth with a velocity contrast about 0.4 km/s, and the highest velocities in the lowermost crust are 6.8-7.2 km/s. In general, the crust of the Bohemian Massif is slightly thicker (33-35 km) than in the northern part of the area. Velocities beneath Moho are relatively low, of 7.95 km/s. On the basis of well recorded reflected waves, mantle reflectors were discovered in the depth interval ca. 40-70 km. Apart of new results for the geology and tectonics of the area, some conclusion could be made about different techniques used. In the 2-D case the "clasical" ray tracing method with using all correlated phases gives the most adequate model of the structure, because of full, manual control of the model creation. The "smooth" first arrival travel times tomography, although very fast, is not satisfactory enough to describe the complex structure. So, the best candidate in 3-D case seems to be travel time tomography for both refracted and reflected waves in multi-layers models. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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DOI https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.042

Cite as
Majdański, M. , Grad, M. and Guterch, A. (2006): 2-D seismic tomographic and ray tracing modelling of the crustal structure across the Sudetes Mountains basing on SUDETES 2003 experiment data , Tectonophysics, 413 (3-4), pp. 249-269 . doi: https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.042



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