Solving the Momentum Equations of Dynamic Sea Ice Models with Implicit Solvers and the Elastic-Viscous-Plastic Technique

Martin.Losch [ at ]


The momentum equations that describe sea ice drift for aviscous-plastic (VP) ice rheology are difficult to solve numerically,because the associated bulk and shear viscosities can be verylarge. Traditionally, implicit solution techniques for the VP rheologyare thought to be expensive; the explicit elastic-viscous-plastic(EVP) method was designed to be more efficient and accurate. In orderto assess their relative performance, experiments with idealizedgeometry are used to compare model solutions of implicit VP- andexplicit EVP-solvers in two very different ice-ocean codes: theregular-grid, finite-volume Massachusetts Institute of Technologygeneral circulation model (MITgcm) and the Alfred Wegener InstituteFinite Element Ocean Model (FEOM). For both codes the obtainedsolutions of implicit VP- and EVP-solvers can differ significantly,because the EVP solutions tend to have smaller ice viscosities(weaker ice). EVP solutions tend to converge to implicit VPsolutions for very small sub-cycling time steps. A limiting scheme forEVP viscosities, that addresses a noise problem, reduces the viscosityeven further and, especially in the case of the variable-resolutionunstructured grids of FEOM, can lead to unexpected ice distributionsthat are dramatically different from solutions without thisscheme. Implicit VP-solvers are found to be generally faster than theEVP-solvers, most likely because the ice distribution does not changemuch within the short time steps of this study. Short time steps arethought to be typical of present day high resolution ice-ocean models,so that previous timing results for long time steps may no longer berepresentative.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
Publication Status
Event Details
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April.
Eprint ID
Cite as
Losch, M. and Danilov, S. (2009): Solving the Momentum Equations of Dynamic Sea Ice Models with Implicit Solvers and the Elastic-Viscous-Plastic Technique , EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April .


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