Monitoring of lake water quality using hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA data

Birgit.Heim [ at ]


The CHRIS sensor, mounted on the PROBA satellite, is one of the first space-borne hyperspectral sensors offering high spatial resolution (18 m × 18 m). This, combined with the possibility of multi-temporal coverage, makes CHRIS-PROBA exceptionally well suited for lake water monitoring. MEMAMON is a project to monitor the water quality of lakes in the Mecklenburg (Germany) and Mazurian (Poland) lake districts. Both test sites contain a large number of lakes with high variability and different trophic states. This paper presents a study, which aims to determine the trophic parameter chlorophyll-a using hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA data. To investigate the seasonal dynamics of lakes, CHRIS-PROBA data were acquired in spring, summer and autumn 2002 and 2003. A first analysis of the data showed that CHRIS radiance data have strong artefacts in column direction. Standard destriping techniques were not sufficient to correct the data. Therefore, a novel iterative destriping technique was developed and successfully applied to CHRIS-PROBA data. At the same time to the CHRIS-PROBA data recording, spectral field measurements and acquisition of in-situ data took place in several test-sites. Using these data, chlorophyll algorithms were developed and optimised to the spectral characteristics of the CHRIS sensor. Finally, seasonal maps of chlorophyll concentration are presented, derived from the corrected CHRIS-PROBA data.

Item Type
Conference (Paper)
Peer revision
Not peer-reviewed
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Event Details
2nd ESA CHRIS-PROBA Workshop, Frascati, Italy.
Eprint ID
Cite as
Mannheim, S. , Segl, K. , Heim, B. and Kaufmann, H. (2004): Monitoring of lake water quality using hyperspectral CHRIS-PROBA data , 2nd ESA CHRIS-PROBA Workshop, Frascati, Italy .


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