Internal structure of the ice sheet between Vostok and Dome A revealed by irborne radio echo sounding

Daniel.Steinhage [ at ]


During the IPY 2007/08 the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) mapped with its new ski-equipped research aircraft POLAR 5 ice thickness and internal structure of the East Antarctic ice sheet between deep ice core drill sites using airborne radio-echo sounding (RES). By tracing six internal horizons it is possible to transfer age-depth scales from one drill site to another. This is of special interest for the section between the drill site Vostok and the proposed drill site the Dome A summit region.The closed RES profile between Vostok and Dome A shows a very undulated, rough bedrock. The ice thickness varies between 1528 m and 3868 m. Highly varying ice thickness and the steep bedrock hamper the tracking of internal horizons along the profile. However it was possible to trace six arbitrarily chosen horizons along the whole profile. The AWI profile has also crossover points at E 077.38°/S 80.36° E 077.44°/S 80.34 with a ground based RES profile surveyed by colleagues of the Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC) (pers. com. Xueyuan Tang, 2009).

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
Publication Status
Event Details
Ice Core Symposium 2009 - Southern hemisphere climae drivers and future trends - an ice core perspective..
Eprint ID
Cite as
Steinhage, D. (2009): Internal structure of the ice sheet between Vostok and Dome A revealed by irborne radio echo sounding , Ice Core Symposium 2009 - Southern hemisphere climae drivers and future trends - an ice core perspective. .


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