Coastline dynamics in polar systems using remote sensing
Arctic coasts are likely to become one of the most impacted environments of theEarth under changing climate conditions. Under most scenarios, the Arctic is predicted toexperience the strongest air and sea temperature increase on the surface of the Earth. As aresult, the lengthening open-water season and the increasing open-water area, due to thedecline of sea ice extent, will induce changes to the length of the fetch and allow stormsto hit the coasts further in the fall season. Alas, Arctic coasts remain largely unknown andunexplored, which puts current mitigation and adaptation strategies in northerncommunities into jeopardy. Less than 1% of the Arctic coastlines have been studied toquantify coastline evolution at a detailed level. Remote sensing is probably the mostadapted solution to coastline studies in the Arctic, offering vast possibilities to offset theremoteness and harshness of the region. Research has been particularly innovative indrawing information from a wide variety of sensors for applications related to the Arcticcoastal zone, including long-term coastline evolution, but also flooding, nearshorebathymetry and extreme event impact assessments. This chapter attempts at providing areview of past and current efforts to depict arctic coastline evolution. It highlights theconcurrent improvements of techniques and results, in particular, the recent dramaticincrease in high resolution imagery availability and draws perspectives on futurechallenges to encompass the wide variety of processes specific to arctic coastlines inremote sensing studies. Observation scenarios are put in the context of the consolidationof observing efforts through coordinated international observation programs such asSAON and GEOSS. ©2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Helmholtz Research Programs > PACES I (2009-2013) > TOPIC 1: The Changing Arctic and Antarctic > WP 1.5: The Role of degrading Permafrost and Carbon Turnover in the Coastal, Shelf and Deep-Sea Environment