Breaking the ice: large-scale distribution of mesozooplankton after a decade of Arctic and transpolar cruises

hhirche [ at ]


Mesozooplankton collected during five summer expeditions to the Arctic Ocean between 1987 and 1991 was analysed for regional patterns in biomass and species distribution, distinguishing between an epipelagic (0-100 m) and a deeper (0-500 m) layer. A total of 58 stations was sampled mainly in the Nansen, Amundsen and Makarov Basins of the central Arctic Ocean and in areas of the Greenland Sea, West Spitsbergen Current and Barents Sea. Results from the different expeditions were combined to create a transect extending from the Fram Strait across the Eurasian Basin into the Makarov Basin. Mesozooplankton dry mass in the upper 500 m decreased from 8.4 g m-2 in the West Spitsbergen Current to less than 2 g m-2 in the high-Arctic deep-sea basins. In the central Arctic Ocean, biomass was concentrated in the upper 100 m and was dominated by the large copepods Calanus hyperboreus and C. glacialis. In contrast, the mesozooplankton in the West Spitsbergen Current was more evenly distributed throughout the upper 500 m, with C. finmarchicus as the prevailing species. The distribution of abundant mesopelagic species reflected the hydrographic regime: the calanoid copepod Gaetanus tenuispinus and the hyperiid amphipod Themisto abyssorum were most abundant in the Atlantic inflow, while Scaphocalanus magnus was a typical component of the high-Arctic fauna. The relatively high mesozooplankton biomass and the occurrence of boreal-Atlantic species in the central Arctic Ocean are indicators for the import of organic material from allochthonous sources, especially from the northern North Atlantic. Hence, in spite of its enclosure by land masses, the Arctic Ocean is characterized by an exchange of water masses and organisms with the North Atlantic, and advection processes strongly influence the distribution of plankton species in this high-latitude ecosystem.

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Mumm, N. , Auel, H. , Hanssen, H. , Hagen, W. , Richter, C. and Hirche, H. J. (1998): Breaking the ice: large-scale distribution of mesozooplankton after a decade of Arctic and transpolar cruises , Polar Biology, 20 (3), pp. 189-197 . doi:



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