Ground-based BrO measurements above Eureka, Nunavut during spring 2008

Robyn.Schofield [ at ]


Because measurements of bromine at high latitudes are scarce, the current understanding of bromine chemistry is largely based on model calculations. In order to help quantify the amount of bromine in the atmosphere, we measured BrO columns with two ground-based UV-visible spectrometers at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) in Eureka, Nunavut, Canada (80oN, 86oW) in spring 2008. One of these instruments, the UT-GBS (University of Toronto Ground-Based Spectrometer), has been deployed at Eureka during polar sunrise since 1999. The other instrument, the PEARL-GBS (PEARL Ground-Based Spectrometer), was installed permanently in Eureka in August 2006 for year-round operation.The small signal and large diurnal variation of BrO are challenges for ground-based BrO retrievals. With zenith-sky measurements, we can retrieve vertical column densities of BrO, which are primarily sensitive to the stratosphere. We will discuss different methods for these retrievals and will compare our ground-based BrO vertical column density measurements with Ozone Monitoring Instrument on board the NASA Earth Observing System Aura satellite. Additionally, we are working on techniques to retrieve tropospheric partial columns of BrO using a combination of direct-sun measurements and zenith-sky measurements. We will discuss the status of these retrievals and future plans for tropospheric BrO measurements at Eureka.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
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Event Details
AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto27 May 2009..
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Cite as
Adams, C. , Fraser, A. , Strong, K. , Chance, K. , Kurosu, T. and Schofield, R. (2009): Ground-based BrO measurements above Eureka, Nunavut during spring 2008 , AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto27 May 2009. .


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