Upper mantle and lithospheric heterogeneities in central and eastern Europe as observed by teleseismic receiver functions
Data from 90 permanent broad-band stations spread over central and eastern Europe were analysed using Ps receiver functions to study the crustal and upper-mantle structure down to the mantle transition zone. Receiver functions provide valuable information on structural features, which are important for the resolution of European lithospheric dynamics. Moho depths vary from less than 25 km in extensional areas in central Europe to more than 50 km at stations in eastern Europe (Craton) and beneath the Alpine-Carpathian belt. A very shallow Moho depth can be observed at stations in the Upper Rhine Graben area (ca. 25 km), whereas, for example, stations in the SW Bohemian Massif show a significantly deeper Moho interface at a depth of 38 km. Vp/ Vs ratios vary between 1.60 and 1.96, and show no clear correlation to the major tectonic units, thus probably representing local variations in crustal composition. Delayed arrivals of converted phases from the mantle transition zone are observed at many stations in central Europe, whereas stations in the cratonic area show earlier arrivals compared with those calculated from the IASP91 Earth reference model. Differential delay times between the P410s and P660s phases indicate a thickened mantle transition zone beneath the eastern Alps, the Carpathians and the northern Balkan peninsula, whereas the transition zone thickness in eastern and central Europe agrees with the IASP91 value. The thickening of the mantle transition zone beneath the eastern Alps and the Carpathians could be caused by cold, deeply subducted oceanic slabs. © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 RAS.