Genetics of the Actin Gene in the Red Algal Genus Stylonema (Stylonematophyceae)

Michael.Oellermann [ at ]


Diversity within the morphologically simple red algae has been underappreciated until recently.Phylogenetic results, using mostly plastid genes, have shown that several diverse and ancient lineages comprise this morphologically simple group. Many of these groups are believed to lack sex and to be haploid, e.g. Stylonematales. The scope of phylogenetic markers was recently complemented by the ubiquitous actin gene. Its investigation in Stylonema alsidii (Hoef-Emden et al 2005), a world-wide marine species, has shown that it contains a single copy of the actin gene. However, only one isolate was used, and a proper understanding of this gene in Stylonema is still not established. Direct sequencing of the actin gene from various S. alsidii samples often showed a mixed signal with several peaks in third codon positions, suggesting multiple copies of the actin gene in these isolates. This study will: (1) test isolates of S. alsidii to see if multiple copies of the actin gene are found; and (2) enhance general knowledge of the actin gene in Stylonema. Cloned partial actin genes will be analysed to determine if multiple copies of the gene are present in isolates. These results have several implications: either a gene duplication has occurred within S. alsidii between the isolate previously used and our isolates, suggesting a recent duplication event; or our isolates are diploid (two alleles of actin) overturning the belief that all these organisms are haploid and not sexual.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
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Event Details
New Zealand Marine Sciences Society, Hamilton, New Zealand 29th-31st August 2007, Review 49. ISSN.
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Cite as
Oellermann, M. , Zuccarello, G. C. and West, J. A. (2007): Genetics of the Actin Gene in the Red Algal Genus Stylonema (Stylonematophyceae) , New Zealand Marine Sciences Society, Hamilton, New Zealand 29th-31st August 2007, Review 49. ISSN .

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