Recalibrating sleep: Is recalibration and readjustment of sense organs and brain–body connections the core function of sleep?

Victor.Smetacek [ at ]


Sleep is an enigma because we all know what it means and does to us, yet a scientific explanation for why animals including humans need to sleep is still lacking. However, the enigma can be resolved if the animal body is regarded as a purposeful machine whose moving parts are coordinated with spatial information provided by a disparate array of sense organs. The performance of all complex machines deteriorates with time due to inevitable instrument drift of the individual sensors combined with wear and tear of the moving parts which result in declining precision and coordination. Peak performance is restored by servicing the machine, which involves calibrating the sensors against baselines and standards, then with one another, and finally readjusting the connections between instruments and moving parts. It follows that the animal body and its sensors will also require regular calibration of sense organs and readjustment of brain-body connections which will need to be carried out while the animal is not in functional but in calibration mode. I suggest that this is the core function of sleep.This recalibration hypothesis of sleep can be tested subjectively. We all know from personal experience that sleep is needed to recover from tiredness that sets in towards the end of a long day. This tiredness, which is quite distinct from mental or muscular exhaustion caused by strenuous exertion, manifests itself in deteriorating general performance: the sense organs lose precision, movements become clumsy and the mind struggles to maintain focus. We can all agree that sleep sharpens the sense organs and restores agility to mind and body. I now propose that the sense of freshness and buoyancy after a good night's sleep is the feeling of recalibrated sensory and motor systems.The hypothesis can be tested rigorously by examining available data on sleep cycles and stages against this background. For instance, REM and deep sleep cycles can be interpreted as successive, separate calibration runs of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and the sensory-motor systems, respectively, amongst other functions running in parallel, such as dreaming. Because the split-second connections between sensory information and emotional responses will also require calibration, some aspects of dreaming could be interpreted in this light. Much of the baffling behaviour and patterns of brain activity of sleeping animals and humans make sense in the framework of this technological paradigm since different animal lineages will have evolved different techniques to achieve calibration. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

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Smetacek, V. (2010): Recalibrating sleep: Is recalibration and readjustment of sense organs and brain–body connections the core function of sleep? , Medical Hypotheses, 75 (4), pp. 401-404 . doi:



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