Cross comparisons of O3 and NO2 measured by the atmospheric ENVISAT instruments GOMOS, MIPAS, and SCIAMACHY

Astrid.Bracher [ at ]


Vertical profiles of O 3 and NO 2 abundances from the atmospheric instruments GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by the Occultation of Stars), MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding) and SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography) all on-board the recently launched European Space Agency (ESA) Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT) are intercompared. These comparisons contribute to the validation of these data products by detecting systematic deviations, for example, wrong tangent height determinations, spectroscopic errors, and others. The cross comparison includes GOMOS data products retrieved by the GOMOS prototype processor from ACRI (Sophia Antipolis, France), the scientific SCIAMACHY data products from the Institute of Environmental Physics at University of Bremen (IUP) and the scientific MIPAS data products from the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research in Karlsruhe (IMK) and Institute of Astrophysics in Andalusia (IAA). Coincident measurements were identified by limiting the time difference to 100 min (duration of one orbit) and less than 500 km between two observation points. When lower stratospheric ozone is strongly depleted during polar spring, a homogeneity condition was further imposed on the satellite measurements by requiring an upper limit on the potential vorticity difference at the 475 K isentrope between both observations. Since geographically coincident NO 2 measurements of the three instruments are performed during different times of the day and NO 2 has a rather strong diurnal variability, matches of NO 2 profiles were compared only where the solar zenith angle difference was below 5°. First results of the cross comparison show an agreement within 15% between 21 and 40 km altitude for O 3 profiles and an agreement within 20% between 27 and 40 km altitude for NO 2 profiles among the GOMOS, MIPAS and SCIAMACHY measurements. © 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Bracher, A. , Bovensmann, H. , Bramstedt, K. , Burrows, J. , Clarmann, T. v. , Eichmann, K. U. , Fischer, H. , Funke, B. , Gil-López, S. , Glatthor, N. , Grabowski, U. , Höpfner, M. , Kaufmann, M. , Kellmann, S. , Kiefer, M. , Koukouli, M. , Linden, A. , López-Puertas, M. , Tsidu, G. M. , Milz, M. , Noel, S. , Rohen, G. , Rozanov, A. , Rozanov, V. , Savigny, C. v. , Sinnhuber, M. , Skupin, J. , Steck, T. , Stiller, G. , Wang, D. Y. , Weber, M. and Wuttke, M. (2005): Cross comparisons of O3 and NO2 measured by the atmospheric ENVISAT instruments GOMOS, MIPAS, and SCIAMACHY , Advances in Space Research doi:

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