The cold water coral Desmophyllum dianthus grows along a pH gradient in the Comau Fjord (Patagonia, Chile)

In Patagonia, Chile, an extensive Fjord system can be found. The Comau Fjord is located in the northern part and is characterized by steep walls, a high tidal range and is approximately 500 m deep. Along its course from mouth to head (horizontally, along isobaths) and with decreasing depth (vertically) it shows gradual changes in water parameters including pH and the associated carbonate chemistry. Desmophyllum dianthus is a cosmopolite coral usually found in deeper water (> 200 m). In the Comau Fjord it thrives in shallow depth up to 15 m and is distributed in a broad variety of water parameters, including a pH range of at least 0.5 units – likely more. This demonstrates the high adaptation ability of cold water corals to a relatively wide spectrum of pH values.