Formation of Denmark Strait Overflow Water by mixing in the East Greenland Current

ABSTRACT:Hydrographic data and current meter records from the East Greenland Current, collected during theperiod 1987 to 1989 around the latitude of the central Greenland Sea, reveal the formation of a watermass having the characteristics of Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW). The downstream(southwestward) transport of this newly formed water mass can be substantial, amounting to roughly halfof the outflow of DSOW through Denmark Strait as reported in the literature. The formation of DSOW inthe East Greenland Current results from isopycnic mixing of recirculated Atlantic Water and Upper ArcticIntermediate Water. Substantial formation occurs when the neccessary conditions for baroclinic instabilityare satisfied and the current variability due to mesoscale eddies is high; this is subject to significantchanges from year to year.

AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Climate Dynamics
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Sea Ice Physics
ARK > V > 2
ARK > VI > 2