New azaspiracids in Amphidomataceae (Dinophyceae)
Azaspiracids (AZAs) are a group of lipophilic polyether toxins implicated in incidents of shellfish poisoning in humans, particularly in northern Europe, which are produced by the small marine dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum. Other related species/strains of the Amphidomataceae have not been proven to date to contain any of the known azaspiracids. Closer analyses of these species/strains by triple quadrupole mass spectrometry in the precursor and product ion mode now revealed four new compounds with high similarity to azaspiracids, all of them with a characteristic m/. z 348 fragment but with absence of the m/. z 362 fragment. These compounds were detected in three species/strains, i.e. in North Sea isolates of Azadinium poporum (molecular mass: 845.5 Da), in a Korean isolate which has been designated as A. cf. poporum (molecular mass: 857.5 Da) and in Amphidoma languida isolated from Bantry Bay, Ireland (molecular masses: 815.5 and 829.5 Da). Cell quotas of roughly 2-20 fg per cell were in the same range as found for AZA-1/-2 in A. spinosum. Structures for all compounds were proposed by interpretation of fragmentation patterns and high resolution mass measurements using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS). © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.