The Joint German-Russian POLYGON Project – Environmental Studies in East Siberian Tundra Wetlands

A joint German-Russian project (Polygons in tundra wetlands: state and dynamics under climate variability in Polar Regions) started in 2010 and aims on investigating polygonal tundra wetlands in a gradient transect comprising three representative sites across the northeast Siberian lowlands of the lower Indigirka River (70 °N, 147 °E) and the lower (68 °N; 161 °E) and the middle (67 °N; 153 °E) Kolyma river. The study sites cover large gradients in terms of July temperature and precipitation, are accessible without expensive logistics and are situated close to meteorological stations. Using an interdisciplinary approach, modern, sub-recent, and fossil environments will be characterized and compared in order to understand temporal and spatial polygonal dynamics in relation to climate change.