The Laptev Sea inshore zone modeling with focus on the Lena Delta region

The Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea have the most severe climate and the lowest salinity of all the seas of the northern coast of Asia. Among the seas of the Arctic Ocean the Laptev Sea receives the input from the largest number of rivers such as Lena (provides approximately 70% of total runoff to the Laptev Sea), Olenyok, Khatanga, Anabar, Yana, Omoloy, Gusiha and other small rivers. The Lena delta region of Laptev Sea can serve as an indicator of climate changing. A large number of observed data in this region suggests a strong climate change and biological data for the last thirty years. Thus it is timely to estimate the role of different factors to dynamics in the region. One of the goals of my PhD is to evaluate dynamics of the hydrography-carbon transport in Lena Delta region of the Laptev Sea, in recent decades. In framework of this purpose the first task is to tune a basic numerical model which is able to reproduce the climatic changes in the region; the second task is to estimate the variability of the climate system; the third task is to implement a biological module in to the Laptev Sea shelf 3D model. In framework of the first and second tasks in this paper were examined the role of local wind pattern, tidal dynamics, structure and temperature of freshwater runoff, characteristics of heat fluxes to explain the features of the temperature and salinity distributions in the region. In addition was estimated the impact bathymetry data of the Lena Delta vicinity on temperature and salinity local patterns. The numerical simulations were based on Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM).

AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Coastal Ecology
AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Climate Dynamics
Helmholtz Research Programs > PACES I (2009-2013) > TOPIC 4: Synthesis: The Earth System from a Polar Perspective > WP 4.3: Assessment of Coastal Climate Change in the Lena Delta Region of the Laptev Sea and in the North Sea