Iceberg Drift in the Eastern Weddell Sea: Observed and Modeled

The eastern Weddell Sea region is an alley for drifting icebergs, which calve further east along the coastline of East Antarctica. Our analysis is focussed is on the region north of the Ekström Ice Shelf. Since at the Ekström Ice Shelf a landing place is used for the supply of the German overwintering station Neumayer III and the South-African station Sanae IV, it is important to monitor the drifting routes taken by the icebergs in this region. We use a series of ENVISAT WSM data to follow the iceberg D18 and two smaller ones (IB1 and IB2) through the eastern Weddell Sea region in 2006. Model simulations of the iceberg drift are carried out to get more detailed information about the relative influence of different forces on the iceberg drift in this region. In this poster, we provide an overview about the first results.

AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Climate Dynamics