SMILES zonal and diurnal variation climatology of stratospheric and mesospheric trace gasses: O 3 , HCl, HNO 3 , ClO, BrO, HOCl, HO 2 , and temperature

Ingo.Wohltmann [ at ]


We present a climatology of the diurnal variation of short-lived atmospheric compounds, such as ClO, BrO, HO2, and HOCl, as well as longer-lived species: O3, the hydrogen chloride isotopes H 35Cl and H37Cl, and HNO3. Measurements were taken by the Superconducting Submillimeter-wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES). This spectrally resolving radiometer, with very low observation noise and altitude range from the lower stratosphere to the lower thermosphere (20-100km), was measuring vertical profiles of absorption spectra along a non-sun-synchronous orbit, thus observing at all local times. We used the retrieved volume mixing ratio profiles to compile climatologies that are a function of pressure, a horizontal coordinate (latitude or equivalent latitude), and a temporal coordinate (solar zenith angle or local solar time). The main product presented are climatologies with a high resolution of the temporal coordinate (diurnal variation climatologies). In addition, we provide climatologies with a high resolution of the horizontal coordinate (zonal climatologies).The diurnal variation climatologies are based on data periods of 2 months and the zonal climatologies on monthly data periods. Consideration of the SMILES time-space sampling patterns with respect to the averaging coordinates is a key issue for climatology creation, especially in case of diurnal variation climatologies. Biases induced by inhomogeneous sampling are minimized by carefully choosing the size of averaging bins. The sampling biases of the diurnal variation climatology of ClO and BrO are investigated in a comparison of homogeneously sampled model data versus SMILES-sampled model data from the stratospheric Lagrangian chemistry and transport model Alfred Wegener Institute Lagrangian Chemisrty/Transport System. In most cases, the relative sampling error is in the range of 0-20%. The strongest impact of sampling biases is found where the species' temporal gradients are strongest (mostly at sunrise and sunset), with a relative error of 60-100%. The SMILES climatology data sets are available via the SMILES data distribution home page. Key Points A first diurnal variation climatology for short-lived atmospheric compositions. Species are O3, HCl, HNO3, ClO, BrO, HOCl, HO2, and temperature. Treatment of SMILES sampling, including a model study. ©2013 The Authors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres published by Wiley on behalf of the American Geophysical Union.

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Kreyling, D. , Sagawa, H. , Wohltmann, I. , Lehmann, R. and Kasai, Y. (2013): SMILES zonal and diurnal variation climatology of stratospheric and mesospheric trace gasses: O 3 , HCl, HNO 3 , ClO, BrO, HOCl, HO 2 , and temperature , Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118 (20), pp. 11-903 . doi:



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