Rote Liste und Artenlisten der bodenlebenden wirbellosen Meerestiere

1,244 species out of nine phyla of macrozoobenthos have been evaluated for the Red Lists of invertebrate species in German North Sea and Baltic Sea waters (including the Exclusive Economic Zone). It is evident that the conditions in these marine waters are basically not better than ashore, since human impact like, first of all, demersal fishing and eutrophication as well as impact on coastal water biotopes have led to massive changes in several animal populations. 32 % of all species assessed are found in the Red Lists. However, more than half of these species are extremely rare and therefore assessed as potentially threatened. Altogether data are still insufficient for any trend analysis in more than 36 % of all evaluated 1,244 species (see high share in category „D“). Due to increases in knowledge and specific investigations on selected taxa it is expected that in a few years updated Red Lists can be provided, maybe covering the entire ecosystems of the North and Baltic Seas.

Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40w) > North Sea
Baltic Sea
Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40w)