The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Integrating priorities for permafrost research over the next generation

The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) is an international organization fostering innovative collaboration, seeking to recruit, retain and promote future generations of permafrost researchers. PYRN was founded in November 2005 at the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP II) and is steadily growing, reaching around 1500 early career permafrost researchers and engineers, many of them from non-permafrost countries. It builds partnerships with large organizations such as the International Permafrost Association (IPA) and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS). The IPY 2007/2008 has emphasized the importance of including the young generation of polar researchers in its activities. PYRN and APECS are a direct legacy of the IPY. Under a joint Memorandum of Understanding, PYRN together with the IPA and APECS work closely together on a bi-polar perspective bringing together natural and social scientist, engineers and humanities for a better understanding of cryospheric processes for society and the elaborate representation of these processes in climate models. PYRN is guided by an Executive Committee but run through its members that organize themselves in an international Council, national communities, thematic groups and several groups of interest. Over the past years, PYRN hosted workshops during the regional and international permafrost conferences. It is increasingly present with sessions and social network events on large conferences like the European and American Geophysical Union (EGU, AGU). During the EUCOP4, PYRN will host a workshop to maintain an active, dynamic and growing early career scientific network on permafrost. Organized together with APECS, PAGE21, and ADAPT, this workshop is kindly sponsored by the IPA, the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). One major workshop focus is to elaborate the future avenues of permafrost research from a young researchers' perspective. One of the key outcomes will be a young researcher contribution to the IPA strategy for ICARP III issued as a “Permafrost Priority Sheet” summarizing the discussions from the forum. This document is envisioned to contribute to an assessment of research priorities from an early career researcher perspective. It will feed into the final ICARP III meeting in Japan 2015, together with contributions from other initiatives. The 11. International Conference on Permafrost in 2016 (Potsdam, Germany) will provide a forum for many young researchers getting involved in a plethora of activities. PYRN has been involved in the conference planning from the very beginning to effectively integrate PYRN members in the process of ICOP2016 organization as well as young researchers activities in the overall conference program (e.g. workshop, PYRN awards, social program). The conference logo has been found through an international competition organized by PYRN and will be presented in Evora.