Simulated present and future trends of oxygen-18 in precipitation of the Northern Hemisphere

In this study we report latest simulation results of the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5-wiso, which has been enhanced by explicit water isotope diagnosis. Using fine spatial model resolutions of up to 1.1° x1.1° horizontal grid size, a transient simulation covering the historical period 1958 – 2013 as well as a future scenario simulation until the year 2040 have been performed. Present-day model results are in good agreement with many observations from the GNIP Network and other observational records. Our simulations indicate that the ongoing warming of the Northern Hemisphere already has lead to a temperature-related increase in oxygen-18 of precipitation and near-surface vapor by +1‰ or more at several locations. Presently, these changes are still within the range of simulated and observed year-to-year variability, a substantial larger change of oxygen-18 in Northern Hemisphere precipitation might be detectable in near-time future.