Global Ocean Data Analysis version 2 (GLODAPv2)

Mario.Hoppema [ at ]


The major synthesis effort Global Ocean Data Analysis Product version 2 will be presented. GLODAPv2 assembles data from some 800 cruises mostly from WOCE, CLIVAR and GO-SHIP, where measurements of inorganic carbon and/or other carbon relevant parameters have been made. It has been constructed by merging the three exisiting carbon data synthesis products GLODAP, CARINA, PACIFICA, and adding data from around 200 new cruises from all major ocean areas. The data included in GLODAPv2 has been subjected to primary QC and been bias corrected following comparison of all the deep ocean data collected at the various cruises using a crossover and inversion routine. GLODAPv2 includes the original datafiles, the integrated bias-corrected data product, and also mapped climatologies of the parameters total dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity. GLODAPv2 to will form the basis for a reassessment of the global inventory of anthropogenic carbon, its increase with time and several other analyses which will be outlined at this presentation.

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Conference (Poster)
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Event Details
Ocean Sciences Meeting, 21 Feb 2016 - 26 Feb 2016, New Orleans, U.S.A..
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Olsen, A. , Key, R. M. , van Heuven, S. , Lauvset, S. K. , Velo, A. , Lin, X. , Schirnick, C. , Kozyr, A. , Tanhua, T. , Hoppema, M. , Jutterström, S. , Steinfeldt, R. , Jeansson, E. , Ishii, M. , Perez, F. F. and Suzuki, T. (2016): Global Ocean Data Analysis version 2 (GLODAPv2) , Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, U.S.A., 21 February 2016 - 26 February 2016 .


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