Limited sinking ofPhaeocystisduring a 12 days sediment trap study

There is a controversy discussion about the contribution of the genus Phaeocystis to the vertical carbon export with evidence for and against sedimentation of Phaeocystis. So far, the presence of Phaeocystis in sinking matter was investigated with methods depending on morphological features (microscopy) and fast degradable substances (biochemical analyses). In this study, we determine the occurrence and abundance of Phaeocystis antarctica in short-term sediment traps and the overlying water column during a 12-day time period in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean with 454-pyrosequencing and microscopy counting. In the sediment trap samples, we only found few sequences belonging to Phaeocystis, which was not reflecting the situation in the water column above. The cell counts showed the same results. We conclude that Phaeocystis cells are not generally transported downwards by active sinking or other sinking processes.

AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Junior Research Group: Planktosens