Oxidative balance in macroalgae from Antarctic waters. Possible role of Fe

The hypothesis of this work was that exposure to diverse abiotic factors in two sites with different sediment and iron input (Peñón de Pesca: low impact; Island D: high impact, both areas in Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica) affects the physiological and oxidative profile of Gigartina skottsbergii and Himantothallus grandifolius. Daily metabolic carbon balance was significantly lower in both macroalgae from Island D compared to Peñón de Pesca. Lipid radical (LRradical dot) content was significantly higher in G. skottsbergii collected from Island D compared to Peñón de Pesca. In contrast, H. grandifolius showed significantly lower values in Island D compared to Peñón de Pesca. The β-carotene (β-C) content was significantly lower in G. skottsbergii from Island D compared to Peñón de Pesca, and the ratio LRradical dot/β-C showed a 6-fold increase in Island D samples compared to Peñón de Pesca. On the other hand, β-C content in H. grandifolius showed no significant differences between both areas. The LRradical dot/β-C content ratio in this alga was significantly lower (26%) in Island D as compared to Peñón de Pesca. Total iron content was significantly higher in both macroalgae from Island D compared to samples from Peñón de Pesca. Results with G. skottsbergii suggested changes in the oxidative cellular balance, probably related to the higher environmental iron in Island D as compared to Peñón de Pesca. The species H. grandifolius seems to be better adapted to the environmental conditions especially through a higher antioxidant capacity to cope with oxidative stress.