Zoobenthos - Shelf and slope. In: Scientific background document in support of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2016 - Part A: General context of the establishment of MPAs and background information on the Weddell Sea MPA planning area, Teschke K, Beaver D, Bester MN, Bombosch A, Bornemann H, Brandt A, Brtnik P, de Broyer C, Burkhardt E, Dieckmann G, Douglass L, Flores H, Gerdes D, Griffiths HJ, Gutt J, Hain S, Hauck J, Hellmer H, Herata H, Hoppema M, Isla E, Jerosch K, Kock K-H, Krause R, Kuhn G, Lemke P, Liebschner A, Linse K, Miller H, Mintenbeck K, Nixdorf U, Pehlke H, Post A, Schröder M, Shust KV, Schwegmann S, Siegel V, Strass V, Thomisch K, Timmermann R, Trathan PN, van de Putte A, van Franeker J, van Opzeeland IC, von Nordheim H, Brey T

Julian.Gutt [ at ] awi.de


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Gutt, J. , DeBroyer, C. , Gerdes, D. , Griffiths, H. and Isla, E. (2016): Zoobenthos - Shelf and slope. In: Scientific background document in support of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) - Version 2016 - Part A: General context of the establishment of MPAs and background information on the Weddell Sea MPA planning area, Teschke K, Beaver D, Bester MN, Bombosch A, Bornemann H, Brandt A, Brtnik P, de Broyer C, Burkhardt E, Dieckmann G, Douglass L, Flores H, Gerdes D, Griffiths HJ, Gutt J, Hain S, Hauck J, Hellmer H, Herata H, Hoppema M, Isla E, Jerosch K, Kock K-H, Krause R, Kuhn G, Lemke P, Liebschner A, Linse K, Miller H, Mintenbeck K, Nixdorf U, Pehlke H, Post A, Schröder M, Shust KV, Schwegmann S, Siegel V, Strass V, Thomisch K, Timmermann R, Trathan PN, van de Putte A, van Franeker J, van Opzeeland IC, von Nordheim H, Brey T , [Miscellaneous]


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