Tide Gauge Measurements - A Contribution for the Long Term Monitoring of the Sea Level
In close co-operation with the Instituto Antártico Argentino, Jubany/Dallmann is widely used forgeoscientific studies. Due to the operation of the station the yeararound and its geographical location, at Jubany/Dallmann permanentGPS observations, tide gauge measurements and seismological studiesare carried out. With the establishment of an absolute gravity point in1998, the station will also serve as a basis for relative gravitymeasurements and related studies in this area, e.g. for studies of theuplift as an effect of glacial rebound. During the SCAR GPS campaign in1995, a tide gauge station was deployed for studying mean sea levelvariations and ocean loadings (Schöne et al., 1996). The sensor wasrecovered at the end of the campaign. Based on the experience of the'95 campaign, a long term tide gauge was deployed in 1996/97.In 1998 the old tide gauge was replaced to continue the high qualitymeasurements.