
Vera.Fofonova [ at ] awi.de


There is a growing need in the high quality estimations of long-term dynamics and circulation features in the coastal areas to answer major present and future societal, ecosystem and other questions, because of changing climate. On long time scales, the coastal dynamics change not only because of variable forcing, but also due to exchanges with the evolving global ocean. Over recent years, considerable efforts have been invested into developing regional models and applying them to the coastal areas. These models are used by different institutions to study currents, sediment transport and ecosystem dynamics. They are well-established tools equipped with necessary parameterizations and modules that may be required in shelf or coastal modeling. However, they are regional models with open boundaries. When it comes to applying them to study long-term trends and variability in the regional sea, they have to be coupled to a large-scale modeling system. However, numerical algorithms used by global models can be insufficient to simulate coastal dynamics. There are issues related to vertical advection and mixing, stability in case of very thin sigma layers, absence of wetting/drying option etc. One more point is the choice of time step in case of highly varying resolution. Coastal refinement can be added to the global models, but at the same time they will lose efficiency. Unstructured-mesh coastal models are too dissipative and expensive to simulate global circulation at present. A way out of this situation is coupling global and coastal models (one or two ways nesting). To reach this goal we present a coastal branch of the global model FESOM (Danilov et al. 2004, Wang et al. 2014). FESOM is a well-established large-scale ocean circulation model which is tested in numerous applications and participates in ocean model intercomparison project (see CORE-II virtual special issue of Ocean Modelling). It is the first model worldwide which provides multi-resolution functionality to large-scale ocean modeling, allowing one to bridge the gap between the scales and has the finite volume version at the current stage. FESOM_coastal treats the input/output characteristics in the same manner and share partly physical core with the global solution. It supports full coastal functionality, has cell-vortex finite volume discretization and works on any configurations of triangular, quadrangular or hybrid meshes.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
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Research Networks
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Event Details
''East Siberian Shelf: observations, data analysis, modelling efforts, 07 Dec 2016 - 09 Dec 2016, AWI, Bremerhaven.
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Cite as
Androsov, A. , Fofonova, V. , Danilov, S. , Rakowsky, N. , Kuznetsov, I. , Hiller, W. and Wiltshire, K. H. (2016): FESOM_coastal , ''East Siberian Shelf: observations, data analysis, modelling efforts, AWI, Bremerhaven, 7 December 2016 - 9 December 2016 .

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