High-frequency analysis of physical properties from CRP-2/2A, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica and implication for sedimentation rate

fniessen [ at ] awi-bremerhaven.de


Siliciclastic sediments of Quaternary to Oligocene age were drilled in the Victoria Land Basin (Antarctica) 14 km east of Cape Roberts by the Cape Roberts Project during the Austral Spring of 1998. The cored section consists of a suite of lithofacies, from diamictite and conglomerate to sandstone and mudstone; these are organized in stratigraphic sequences yielding a record of glacial advance and retreat and substantial changes in sea level. In this study, the analysis of the physical properties (low-field magnetic susceptibility and wet bulk density) is conducted on selected fine-grained intervals in association with sedimentological observations in order to better understand high-resolution stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy. These two physical parameters are characterized by distinctive high-frequency cyclicities. To investigate the presence of possible deterministic periodicities recorded in selected portions of the cored section, frequency analysis techniques were applied to both physical properties data series. The results demonstrate the presence of three main sets of periodicities, in tune with those associated with Milankovitch orbital perturbations. The approach used in this study outlines the potential of spectral analysis as a tool for high-resolution stratigraphy. Furthermore, the detected periodicities allow a refined evaluation of sedimentation rates for the fine-grained intervals, further constraining rates estimated by other independent methods.

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Claps, M. , Niessen, F. and Florindo, F. (2000): High-frequency analysis of physical properties from CRP-2/2A, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica and implication for sedimentation rate , Terra Antarctica, 7 (3), pp. 379-388 .


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