PerSys - WebGIS-based permafrost data visualisation system for ESA GlobPermafrost

Antonie.Haas [ at ]


ESA DUE GlobPermafrost ( provides a remote sensing data service for permafrost research and applications. This service comprises of the generation of remote sensing products for various regions and spatial scales, and specific infrastructures for visualisation, dissemination and access to datasets. PerSys is the ESA GlobPermafrost geospatial information service for publishing and visualisation of information and data productstothepublic.DataproductsaredescribedandsearchableinthePerSysDataCatalogue,acorecomponent of the Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC), established within the framework of ERC PETA-CARB at AWI. The data visualisation employs the AWI WebGIS-infrastructure maps@awi (, a highly scalable data visualisation unit within the AWI data-workflow framework O2A, from Observation to Archive. WebGIS technology in maps@awi supports the project-specific visualisation of raster and vector data products of diverse spatial resolutions and remote sensing sources. This is a prerequisite for the visualisation of the wide range of GlobPermafrost remote sensing products like: Landsat multispectral index trends (Tasseled Cap Brightness, Greeness, Wetness; Normalized Vegetation Index NDVI), Arctic land cover (e.g., shrub height, vegetation composition), lake ice grounding, InSAR-based land surface deformation, rock glacier velocities and a spatially distributed permafrost model output with permafrost probability and ground temperature per pixel. All WebGIS projects are adapted to the products specific spatial scale. For example, the WebGIS ‘Arctic’ visualises the Circum-Artic products. Higher spatial resolution products for rock glacier movements are visualised on regional scales in the WebGIS projects ‘Alps’, ‘Andes’ and ‘Central Asia’. GIS services were created and designed using ArcGIS for Desktop (10.4) and finally published as a Web MapService(WMS),aninternationallystandardizedformat(OpenGeospatialConsortium(OGC)),usingArcGIS for Server (10.4). The project-specific data WMS as well as a resolution-specific background map WMS are embedded into a GIS viewer application based on Leaflet, an open-source JavaScript library. The GIS viewer application was adapted to interlink all WebGIS projects, and especially to enable their direct accessibility via the GlobPermafrost Overview WebGIS project. The PerSys WebGIS is accessible via the GlobPermafrost project webpage and linked to the respective product groups as well as on maps@awi ( All GlobPermafrost data products will be DOI-registered and archived in PANGAEA. In future, PerSys intends to encourage permafrost researchers other than GlobPermafrost to integrate and visualise their data

Item Type
Conference (Keynote)
Primary Division
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Event Details
EGU General Assembly, 08 Apr 2018 - 13 Apr 2018, Vienna.
Eprint ID
Cite as
Haas, A. , Grosse, G. , Heim, B. , Walter, A. , Immerz, A. , Schäfer-Neth, C. , Muster, S. , Laboor, S. , Bartsch, A. and Frank Martin, S. , Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Germany, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik ZAMG, Austria, European Space Agency ESRIN, Italy (2018): PerSys - WebGIS-based permafrost data visualisation system for ESA GlobPermafrost , EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 8 April 2018 - 13 April 2018 .

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