The Arctic Ocean and the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ)

Thomas.Ronge [ at ]


We focus on an interdisciplinary approach to under- stand the MIZ, to highlight that the occurring Arctic change has potentially profound implications for both the natural environment and human activities. The report discusses the MIZ from natural sciences’ perspective and focuses on its properties. Additionally, the relations of the MIZ with human activities and governance is also addressed. We draw on our own (participants) conclusions about how the gained knowledge sheds the new light on our perceptions about future tourism development within the MIZ, as a case study, which was not studied in detail so far. Tourism is a fast-growing industry in the Arctic that requires an adequate un- derstanding of the fast changing and unpredictable MIZ, in order to ensure sustainable development of the region. The relations between the MIZ and tourism are studied in the contexts of natural and built environment, infrastructure development, oil and gas exploration, shipping activities, manage- ment and law regulations. It is concluded that tourism in the MIZ should be studied as a complex discipline, which takes into account natural and anthropogenic values and vulnerabilities of the MIZ, as well as challenges and opportunities caused by climate change and technology development.

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Varnajot, A. , Korablina, A. , Bazhenova, A. , Mischenko, A. , Schartmüller, B. , Niraula, B. , Brunette, C. , Palma, D. , Poudel, D. , Sukhihk, E. , Guk, E. , Kauko, H. M. , Basaran, I. , Dalen, K. , Griem, L. , Nikaronova, L. , Antonova, M. , Årthun, M. , Bystrowska, M. , Pävikki Korhonen, M. T. , Nowicki, R. C. , Teigen, S. and Ronge, T. (2017): The Arctic Ocean and the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) , [Miscellaneous]


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