Brainmapping of α-chloralose anesthetized rats withT2*-weighted imaging: distinction between the representation of the forepaw and hindpaw in the somatosensory cortex
T2*-weighted imaging at 4.7 T was used to identify the cortical areas activated by electrical stimulation of the forepaw and hindpaw of α- chloralose anesthetized rats. Variation of the coronal slice position relative to the bregma, showed that the forepaw representation in the somatosensory cortex is more frontal and lateral than that of the hindpaw. Overlap between both activation areas was observed only in a small region in the slice at the level of the bregma. Documented localizations of both representations are in good agreement with earlier observations using invasive techniques. The determination of the separate areas of both paws indicates the feasibility of more complex activation studies in anesthetized animals, such as combined stimulations for the investigation of potentiation or depression effects on individual stimuli.