CACCON and Partner Knowledge Networks: Arctic Coastal Engagement Network of Future Earth Coasts

Paul.Overduin [ at ]


The Circumpolar Arctic Coastal Communities Observatory Network (CACCON) functions as the Arctic Regional Engagement Network for Future Earth Coasts. In partnership with other Arctic knowledge networks and programs, including the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) and Arctic-COAST, CACCON promotes consensus and collaboration to advance local knowledge availability and accessibility for adaptation planning and sustainable development in Arctic coastal communities and regions. Components of the CACCON agenda include: integrative analyses of sustainability challenges in Arctic coastal communities using co-developed situational and sustainability indicators; solutions-oriented research for actionable, proactive adaptation policies in Arctic coastal communities; sharing insights among existing community-based research and resilience programs; responding to community-based agendas and building resilience by growing local and regional knowledge co-production and dissemination capacity. These activities support the Global Coastal Futures initiative of Future Earth Coasts, rooted in the Future Earth principles of co-design and co-production of knowledge involving a broad cross-section of stakeholders and consensus-building on pathways for transformation to more sustainable strategies for enhanced present and future well-being on Arctic coasts.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
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Event Details
Arctic Science Summit Week 2016 ASSW, 12 Mar 2016 - 18 Mar 2016, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.
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Cite as
Forbes, D. L. , Bell, T. , LeTissier, M. , Petrov, A. , Atkinson, D. E. , Eerkes-Medrano, L. , Joan Nymand, L. , Gleb, K. , Elizabeth, M. , Overduin, P. , Pulsifer, P. L. , Rasmussen, R. , Riedlsperger, R. , Schweitzer, P. , Vlasova, T. and Wilson, K. (2016): CACCON and Partner Knowledge Networks: Arctic Coastal Engagement Network of Future Earth Coasts , Arctic Science Summit Week 2016 ASSW, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, 12 March 2016 - 18 March 2016 .


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