Representation of the shelf areas in the global ocean model: key study, questions and perspectives

Vera.Fofonova [ at ]


Representation of the shelf areas in the global ocean model: key study, questions and perspectives The East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), consisting of the Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas, represents the shallowest and broadest shelf region of the entire World Ocean. It occupies a little more than 20% of the total area covered by the Arctic Ocean (AO) and represents a critical physical and biochemical gateway for exchange between AO and terrestrial zone with complex oceanographic and biogeochemical regime influenced by both seawaterof Pacific and Atlantic origins. The is a growing need for better quality estimations of circulation and dynamics on the shelf to answer major present and future scientific, ecosystem and societal issues, because of changing climate. It is a complex task as soon as the ESAS represents wide area with variety of regimes and there is still substantial uncertainty in their role and feedbacks with the wider climate system. Making progress on this is largely dependent on the accurate reproducing of the physical environment in the coupled coastal-open ocean system. We would like to propose modeling system that will help to answer questions on the ESAS observed and future trends and dynamics features across time and space scales tracing the signal through the system Estuaries-ESAS-AO in both upscaling and downscaling directions. To reach mentioned goals, we built a coastal branch of the finite volume version of the global sea ice-ocean model FESOM (Danilov et al., 2004; Danilov, 2012; Wang et al., 2014). FESOM is the first model worldwide that provides multi-resolution functionality to large-scale ocean modeling, allowing to bridge the gap between scales. This unique feature is crucial for high efficient coupling, as soon as the exchange zone can be resolved similarly (with the same resolution) by the global and local solutions. Additional strong side of the elaboration of the coastal branch for the existing global model is a possibility to organize flux treatment in a same manner, increasing efficiency of coupling. Danilov, S., Kivman, G., Schröter, J. (2004). A finite-element ocean model: principles and evaluation, Ocean Model., 6, 125–150. Danilov, S. (2012). Two finite-volume unstructured mesh models for large-scale ocean modeling. Ocean Modell., 47, 14–25. Wang, Q., Danilov, S., Sidorenko, D., Timmermann, R., Wekerle, C., Wang, X., Jung, T., and Schröter, J. (2014). The Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM) v.1.4: formulation of an ocean general circulation model, Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 663–693.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
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Event Details
FAMOS 2018, 24 Oct 2016 - 26 Oct 2018, Bergen, Norway.
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Cite as
Fofonova, V. , Androsov, A. , Kuznetsov, I. , Danilov, S. and Wiltshire, K. H. (2018): Representation of the shelf areas in the global ocean model: key study, questions and perspectives , FAMOS 2018, Bergen, Norway, 24 October 2016 - 26 October 2018 .

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