Expedtion program ANT-Land 2018/19 - Land activities and flight missions

The season ANT-Land 2018/19 is scheduled for the period from 31 October 2017 until 28 February 2019. Most of personnel will be flown into the Antarctic and back via the air link from Cape Town within the frame of Dronning Maud Land Air Network (DROMLAN). Ship calls are scheduled for RV POLARSTERN between 5th and 7st January 2019, to supply the majority of cargo for NEUMAYER STATION III and aircraft operations. A further ship call is MARY ARCTICA between 17th and 18th January 2019. Logistics will focus on two periods of lifting of the station. Furthermore a construction team will be onsite for maintenance of the station facilities. In the vicinity of NEUMAYER STATION III geophysical, glaciological, geological, biological and atmospheric projects are planned during the summer season. Medical studies of the Berlin Centre for Space Medicine (ZWMB) and University of Munich (LMU) will be continued and extended by the station staff during the winter period. In parallel, station facilities will be used to operate the Basler BT-67 aircraft POLAR 6. The regular weather forecast service (AWI/DWD) will be provided to all aircraft operations within the Dronning Maud Land region, in particular as a contribution to DROMLAN. KOHNEN STATION will be visited by the participants of six scientific projects and maintenance work such as lifting up the station and construction work. A traverse to KOHNEN STATION including supply goods will start from NEUMAYER STATION III will start mid of November. The DALLMANN LABORATORY at Base CARLINI (Argentina) will be opened at the beginning of November 2018. It is operated in cooperation with the Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA). During the season 2018/19 German and international scientists (one scientific group) will work at the Potter Cove and the station area.

AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Functional Ecology
AWI Organizations > Infrastructure > Operations and Research Platforms