Variability in the organic carbon stocks, sources, and accumulation rates of Indonesian mangrove ecosystems

daniela.ransby [ at ]


Mangrove ecosystems are an important natural carbon sink that accumulate and store large amounts of organic carbon (C org ), in particular in the sediment. However, the magnitude of carbon stocks and the rate of carbon accumulation (CAR) vary geographically due to a large variation of local factors. In order to better understand the blue carbon sink of mangrove ecosystems, we measured organic carbon stocks, sources and accumulation rates in three Indonesian mangrove ecosystems with different environmental settings and conditions; (i) a degraded estuarine mangrove forest in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL), Central Java, (ii) an undegraded estuarine mangrove forest in Berau region, East Kalimantan, and (iii) a pristine marine mangrove forest on Kongsi Island, Thousand Islands, Jakarta. In general, C org stocks were higher in estuarine than in marine mangroves, although a large variation was observed among the estuarine mangroves. The mean total C org stock in Berau (615 ± 181 Mg C ha −1 ) is twice as high as that in SAL (298 ± 181 Mg C ha −1 ). However, the Segara Anakan Lagoon displayed large within-system variation with a much higher C org stock in the eastern (483 ± 124 Mg C ha −1 ) than in the central lagoon (167 ± 36 Mg C ha −1 ). The predominant accumulation of autochthonous mangrove organic matter likely contributed to the higher C org stocks in Berau and the eastern SAL. Interestingly, the CAR distribution pattern in SAL is opposite to that of its C org stocks. The central SAL that receives high sediment inputs from the hinterland has a much higher CAR than the eastern SAL (658 ± 311 g C m −2 yr −1 and 194 ± 46 g C m −2 yr −1 , respectively), while Berau has one of the highest CAR (1722 ± 183 g C m −2 yr −1 ) ever measured. It appears that these large differences are driven by the environmental setting and conditions, mainly sediment dynamics and hydrodynamics, landform, and vegetation conditions. It is inferred that quantifying carbon accumulation in sediments is a useful tool in estimating the present-day carbon storage of mangrove ecosystems. This is a precondition for taking measures under REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries) schemes.

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Kusumaningtyas, M. A. , Hutahaean, A. A. , Fischer, H. W. , Pérez-Mayo, M. , Ransby, D. and Jennerjahn, T. C. (2019): Variability in the organic carbon stocks, sources, and accumulation rates of Indonesian mangrove ecosystems , Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 218 , pp. 310-323 . doi:

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