AntArchitecture: an international project to use Antarctic englacial layering to interrogate stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheets

Olaf.Eisen [ at ]


‘AntArchitecture’ is a new Action Group of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research that aims for the first time to determine the stability of the Antarctic ice sheets over past glacial cycles directly from the internal architecture of the ice. Internal architecture describes the 3D internal structure of the ice imaged by multiple radarâ-sounding surveys undertaken across Antarctica over the last five decades. AntArchitecture aspires to bring together the key datasets on Antarctic Ice Sheet internal layering from the principal institutions and scientists who have been responsible for acquiring, processing and storing them over the last four decades. Key activities include coordinating data-transfer and data-lodging exercises between institutions/countries that will allow datasets acquired by different radar systems to be combined for pan-ontinental analysis, and the development of an optimized processing flow for analysis of past data and advice on where future data acquisition needs to be targeted. An expanded outline of AntArchitecture and its timeline of activities can be accessed here: This presentation provides a status report of activities and achievement of AntArchitecture to July 2019.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
Primary Division
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Peer revision
Not peer-reviewed
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Event Details
IGS Symposium Five Decades of Radioglaciology, 08 Jul 2019 - 12 Jul 2019, Stanford, California, USA.
Eprint ID
Cite as
Bingham, R. G. , Eisen, O. , Karlsson, N. B. , MacGregor, J. A. , Ross, N. and Young, D. A. (2019): AntArchitecture: an international project to use Antarctic englacial layering to interrogate stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheets , IGS Symposium Five Decades of Radioglaciology, Stanford, California, USA, 8 July 2019 - 12 July 2019 .


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