Evolving approaches for deep-ocean biology and ecosystems observations in the Global Ocean Observing System
Ruhl, Henry A., Levin, L. A., Heimbach, P., McCurdy, A., Smith, Leslie, Baumann-Pickering, Simone, Carreiro-Silva, Marina, Gjerde, Kristina M., Howe, Bruce M., Janssen, Felix
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5607-4012, Katsumata, K., Kelley, D., Le Bris, Nadine, Smith, C., Snelgrove, P., Song, S., Soule, A., Stocks, K., Rome, N., Venkatesan, R., Weller, R., Hourigan, T., Kenchington, E, Xavier, J.R., Rapp, H. and Priede, I. G.

hruhl [ at ] mbari.org
Item Type
Ruhl, Henry A., Levin, L. A., Heimbach, P., McCurdy, A., Smith, Leslie, Baumann-Pickering, Simone, Carreiro-Silva, Marina, Gjerde, Kristina M., Howe, Bruce M., Janssen, Felix
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5607-4012, Katsumata, K., Kelley, D., Le Bris, Nadine, Smith, C., Snelgrove, P., Song, S., Soule, A., Stocks, K., Rome, N., Venkatesan, R., Weller, R., Hourigan, T., Kenchington, E, Xavier, J.R., Rapp, H. and Priede, I. G.

Primary Division
Organizations > AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Joint Research Group: Deep Sea Ecology and Technology
Primary Topic
Research Networks
Publication Status
Event Details
OceanObs'19 conference, 16 Sep 2019 - 20 Sep 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Eprint ID
Cite as
Ruhl, H. A.
Levin, L. A.
Heimbach, P.
McCurdy, A.
Smith, L.
Baumann-Pickering, S.
Carreiro-Silva, M.
Gjerde, K. M.
Howe, B. M.
Janssen, F.
Katsumata, K.
Kelley, D.
Le Bris, N.
Smith, C.
Snelgrove, P.
Song, S.
Soule, A.
Stocks, K.
Rome, N.
Venkatesan, R.
Weller, R.
Hourigan, T.
Kenchington, E.
Xavier, J.
Rapp, H.
Priede, I. G.
Evolving approaches for deep-ocean biology and ecosystems observations in the Global Ocean Observing System
OceanObs'19 conference,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
16 September 2019 - 20 September 2019
Geographical region
Research Platforms