Clarifying terms in the SDGs: representing the meaning behind the terminology

The meanings behind the terms used in the SDGs, their targets, and their indicators are often multifaceted, reflecting the diverse community of stakeholders involved in the SDG process. Consequently, there is a need to represent these various shades of meaning in a coherent way to prevent confusion when handling data and developing policy actions as well as enhancing the discoverability and management of SDG information and data across all the domains of knowledge. UNEP, in collaboration with experts in the field of ontology, is building a Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology (SDGIO) so that entities relevant to the SDGs can be logically represented, defined, interrelated, and linked to the corresponding terminology in glossaries and resources such as the UN System Data Catalogue and SDG Innovation platform. The SDGIO Working Group is now drawing input from domain specialists to shape the SDGIO to help the NSOs ensure that the SDG indicators are fully consistent across the SDGs.

Helmholtz Research Programs > PACES II (2014-2020) > TOPIC 4: Research in science-stakeholder interactions > WP 4.3: Providing information – enabling knowledge