Correlation of seismic reflectors with the CRP-3 drillhole, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica

fniessen [ at ]


Seismic reflection data collected in the region offshore Cape Roberts reveal a seaward dipping seismic sequence that thickens into the Victoria Land Basin. Drillhole CRP-3 cored this sequence to a depth of 939 mbsf (equivalent to 1025 ms two-way-time below the seafloor). This extended the total thickness of Cenozoic strata cored by CRP to 1500 m. The CRP-3 also cored 116 m into Devonian sandstone basement At least 10 reflection events can be identified in the seismic data. These events are related to lithologic changes within CRP-3 core and down-hole electrical logs by deriving a time-depth relationship from whole-core velocity measurements. Data from a vertical seismic profile experiment in CRP-3. together with synthetic seismograms and the depth converted seismic section, enable the correlation of 9 key seismic reflection events (p-x) and 4 major seismic sequences (U-X) with sedimentary sequence boundaries and lithostratigraphic sub-units documented in the core. Seismic sequence U is correlated to sedimentary cycles 19 to 25 in the lower part of CRP-2/2A and to cycles 1 and 2 in upper part of CRP-3. Seismic sequence V corresponds to sedimentary cycles 3 to 6. Seismic sequences U and V are both dated at around 31 to 32 Ma. Sequence W includes the sedimentary cycles 7 to 23 beneath (c. 460 mbsf), and sequence X corresponds to the lowest part of the sedimentary section, including 40 m of dolerite breccia and conglomerate resting on the Devonian Beracon sandstone beneath. Sequences W and X are estimated to be around 33 Ma, and possibly as old as 34 Ma. The sequences, U-X, are all within V5 of Cooper et al. (1987) and RSS-1 of Brancolini et al. (1995) and dip > 18° to the northeast.

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Henrys, S. , Bücker, C. , Niessen, F. and Bartek, L. (2001): Correlation of seismic reflectors with the CRP-3 drillhole, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica , Terra Antarctica, 8 (3), pp. 127-136 .


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