High-resolution physical–biogeochemical structure of a filament and an eddy of upwelled water off northwest Africa

<jats:p>Abstract. Nutrient-rich water upwells offshore of northwest Africa and is subsequently advected westwards. There it forms eddies and filaments with a rich spatial structure of physical and biological/biogeochemical properties. Here we present a high-resolution (2.5 km) section through upwelling filaments and an eddy obtained in May 2018 with a TRIAXUS towed vehicle equipped with various oceanographic sensors. Physical processes at the mesoscale and submesoscale such as symmetric instability, trapping of fluid in eddies, and subduction of low potential vorticity (which we use as a water mass tracer) water can explain the observed distribution of biological production and export. We found a nitrate excess (higher concentrations of nitrate than expected from oxygen values if only influenced by production and remineralization processes) core of an anticyclonic mode water eddy. We also found a high nitrate concentration region of ≈5 km width in the mixed layer where symmetric instability appears to have injected nutrients from below into the euphotic zone. Similarly, further south high chlorophyll-a concentrations suggest that nutrients had been injected there a few days earlier. Considering that such interactions of physics and biology are ubiquitous in the upwelling regions of the world, we assume that they strongly influence the productivity of such systems and their role in CO2 uptake. The intricate interplay of different parameters at the kilometer scale needs to be taken into account when interpreting single-profile and/or bottle data in dynamically active regions of the ocean. </jats:p>

AWI Organizations > Climate Sciences > Physical Oceanography of the Polar Seas
AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Joint Research Group: Deep Sea Ecology and Technology