Meganyctiphanes norvegica in the Kattegat
From 1979 to 1983 a population of Meganyctiphanes norvegica was regularly found in a confined location in the northern Kattegat. The development of this pelagic population was followed over one complete year-cycle, and is discussed in light of published data on landlocked and oceanic populations. In the Kattegat, M. norvegica mature at the age of 9 to 12 months. Copulation starts in january, but fully developed spermatophores are present in males for at least 9 months. Spawning starts in April and continues until October with a marked peak in July. As only 10 to 15% of the gravid females belong to the II-group, it is concluded that recruitment is due to the I-group. Linear growth is fastest in spring and early summer, rises to a second maximum in October and stagnates during winter. The weight development shows some discontinuties caused by spawning or the accumulation of reserves towards winter. Weight decreases during winter. Growth in length and in weight runs largely parallel in both sexes, and can be closely correlated with the prevailing food supply. Diurnal vertical migration could be demonstrated. The results indicate a continuous development, which suggests the existence of an autonomous palagic population, a well suited subject for long-term investigation. © 1984 Springer-Verlag.