Effects of low-frequency noise and temperature on copepod and amphipod performance

Offshore wind farms (OWF) are bound to increase as a mitigation strategy to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, it is crucial to address all of their potential impacts on key ecosystem components in detail. Especially, the chronic effect of noise created during OWF turbine operations (duration 20-25 years) must be understood. As sensitive receptors cover the whole body of crustaceans to detect their surroundings, those low frequency noises may disrupt basic ecological (prey detection and predator avoidance) and physiological (metabolism) functions. Here we present an investigation designed to understand the joint effect of noise and increased temperature on copepod. The pelagic copepod Acartia tonsa is commonly used as a proxy for a range of fundamental processes that relate to marine planktonic crustaceans. Given that higher temperatures increase metabolic demands, the experiment was conducted at three different temperature levels (18, 21, 24°C) combined with silent and noise treatments. We assessed the combined effects on energetic balance, and oxidative stress indicators. The outputs of the project will provide important information on the potential impact of low-frequency noise on marine invertebrate key organisms with implications for secondary production and ecosystem functioning.

AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Shelf Sea System Ecology
AWI Organizations > Institutes > HIFMB: Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity