The Quest for Seafloor Macrolitter: A Critical Review of Background Knowledge, Current Methods and Future Prospects
The seafloor covers some 70% of the Earth's surface and has been recognised as a major sink for marine litter. Still, litter on the seafloor is the least investigated fraction of marine litter, which is not surprising as most of it lies in the deep sea, i.e. the least explored ecosystem. Although marine litter is considered a major threat for the oceans, monitoring frameworks are still being set up. This paper reviews current knowledge and methods, identifies existing needs, and points to future developments that are required to address the estimation of seafloor macrolitter. It provides background knowledge and conveys the views and thoughts of scientific experts on seafloor marine litter offering a review of monitoring and ocean modelling techniques. Knowledge gaps that need to be tackled, data needs for modelling, and data comparability and harmonisation are also discussed. In addition, it shows how research on seafloor macrolitter can inform international protection and conservation frameworks to prioritise efforts and measures against marine litter and its deleterious impacts.
AWI Organizations > Biosciences > Joint Research Group: Deep Sea Ecology and Technology
AWI Organizations > Knowledge and Technology Transfer > Earth System Knowledge and Platform
AWI Organizations > Offices > North Sea Office
Helmholtz Research Programs > PACES II (2014-2020) > TOPIC 1: Changes and regional feedbacks in Arctic and Antarctic > WP 1.6: Large scale variability and change in polar benthic biota and ecosystem functions
Helmholtz Research Programs > PACES II (2014-2020) > TOPIC 2: Fragile coasts and shelf sea > WP 2.2: Species interactions in changing and exploited coastal seas
Helmholtz Research Programs > PACES II (2014-2020) > TOPIC 4: Research in science-stakeholder interactions > WP 4.3: Providing information – enabling knowledge
Helmholtz Research Programs > CHANGING EARTH (2021-2027) > PT6:Marine and Polar Life: Sustaining Biodiversity, Biotic Interactions, Biogeochemical Functions > ST6.4: Use and misuse of the ocean: Consequences for marine ecosystems
Ocean-based Stations > Hausgarten Observatory
Vessels > Heincke
Vessels > Polarstern