Life cycle of Corophium insidiosum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in laboratory culture

ualexander [ at ]


This amphipod is mainly a suspension feeder, but it can also switch to deposit feeding. It was cultivated instanding, unaerated finger bowls, feeding on detritus, living or dried algal matter, rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis), or large-sized phytoplankton. A mixture of these items gave best results and hence was used for long-termcultivation. Preliminary results are presented on ingestion rate (suspension feeding), digestion rate, starvationresistance, and elemental and biochemical composition. In the life cycle of C. insidiosum, several factors werefound to play an important role: temperature, individual age, sex, and in contrast to other amphipod speciesthus far studied also the age of the mother animal at the time of breeding. Increasing temperature reduces thetotal life span, the age and size at the time of attaining sexual maturity, and the duration of marsupial development. It increases growth and moulting rate. At increasing individual age, the growth rate, and in males also the moulting rate, decrease, while the number of offspring per brood and surprisingly also the duration ofits marsupial development increase. Females generally have a longer life span than males, and they show a higher number of moults, higher moulting frequency and growth rate, and a larger maximum body size. Body length and age at the time of reaching sexual maturity are smaller in males than in females. Furthermore the age of the mother animal at the time of breeding proved to be of particular importance: Individuals from early broods have an apparently longer life span than those originating from late broods, and they have more moults, mostly a higher growth rate, higher number of offspring and longer incubation of broods.

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Nair, K. K. C. and Anger, K. (1979): Life cycle of Corophium insidiosum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in laboratory culture , Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 32 , pp. 279-294 .


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