A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts

anna.irrgang [ at ] awi.de


Permafrost coasts make up roughly one third of all coasts worldwide. Their erosion leads to the release of previously locked organic carbon, changes in ecosystems and the destruction of cultural heritage, infrastructure and whole communities. Since rapid environmental changes lead to an intensification of Arctic coastal dynamics, it is of great importance to adequately quantify current and future coastal changes. However, the remoteness of the Arctic and scarcity of data limit our understanding of coastal dynamics at a pan-Arctic scale and prohibit us from getting a complete picture of the diversity of impacts on the human and natural environment. In a joint effort of the EU project NUNATARYUK and the NSF project PerCS-Net, we seek to close this knowledge gap by collecting and analyzing all accessible high-resolution shoreline position data for the Arctic coastline. These datasets include geographical coordinates combined with coastal positions derived from archived data, surveying data, air and space born remote sensing products, or LiDAR products. The compilation of this unique dataset will enable us to reach unprecedented data coverage and will allow us a first insight into the magnitude and trends of shoreline changes on a pan-Arctic scale with locally highly resolved temporal and spatial changes in shoreline dynamics. By comparing consistently derived shoreline change data from all over the Arctic we expect that the trajectory of coastal change in the Arctic becomes evident. A synthesis of some initial results will be presented in the 2020 Arctic Report Card on Arctic Coastal Dynamics. This initiative is an ongoing effort – new data contributions are welcome!

Item Type
Conference (Poster)
Primary Division
Primary Topic
Research Networks
Publication Status
Event Details
AGU Fall Meeting, 01 Dec 2020 - 17 Dec 2020, online.
Eprint ID
Cite as
Irrgang, A. M. , Jones, B. M. , Farquharson, L. M. , Aleksyutina, D. , Baranskaya, A. , Belova, N. , Bendixen, M. , Boisson, A. , Forbes, D. L. , Freitas, P. , Gibbs, A. , Günther, F. , Jaskolski, M. , Kokin, O. , Kroon, A. , Manson, G. K. , Maslakov, A. , Novikova, A. V. , Ogorodov, S. A. , Overduin, P. P. , Richmond, B. , Rolph, R. , Strzelecki, M. C. , Tweedie, C. , Veremeeva, A. A. , Vieira, G. , Whalen, D. , O'Rourke, M. and Lantuit, H. (2020): A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts , AGU Fall Meeting, online, 1 December 2020 - 17 December 2020 .

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Geographical region

Research Platforms

Arctic Land Expeditions > CA-Land_2018_YukonCoast
Arctic Land Expeditions > CA-Land_2019_YukonCoast_summer

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