Laser ablation ICP-MS on KCC microstructure - pilot study

In a two week pilot study at the Keck Laser Ice Facility at the Climate Change Institute in Orono, Maine, laser ablation ICP-MS experiments were conducted on samples from four depths of the Alpine ice core KCC from Colle Gnifetti that were selected based on available fabric and microstructure data. Impurity fractions of sodium, iron and calcium were measured with respect to the visible microstructure on the ice sample surface. The first assessment of the data suggests that sodium concentrations are increased in the grain bound- aries regardless of ice core depth and grain properties, while iron concentrations show no discernible spatial pattern. Althought the results cannot be interpreted conclusively – due to the pilot character of the study – the po- tential of this technique for high-resolution impurity measurements with regard to the local microstructure becomes evident and possible improvements for deeper studies could be identified.

AWI Organizations > Geosciences > Junior Research Group: Ice deformation mechanisms
AWI Organizations > Geosciences > Junior Research Group: LIMPICS