Sea-ice prediction across timescales and the role of model complexity

lorenzo.zampieri [ at ]


In addition to observations and lab experiments, the scientific investigation of the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is conducted through the employment of geophysical models. These models describe in a numerical framework the physical behavior of sea ice and its interactions with the atmosphere, ocean, and polar biogeochemical systems. Sea-ice models find application in the quantification of the past, present, and future sea-ice evolution, which becomes particularly relevant in the context of a warming climate system that causes the reduction of the Arctic sea ice cover. Because of the sea-ice decline, the navigation in the Arctic ocean increased substantially in the recent past, a trend that is expected to continue in the next decades and that requires the formulation of reliable sea-ice predictions at various timescales. Sea-ice predictions can be delivered by modern forecast systems that feature dynamical sea-ice models. The simulation of sea ice is at the center of this thesis: A coupled climate model with a simple sea-ice component is used to quantify potential impacts of a geoengineering approach termed "Arctic Ice Management"; the skill of current operational subseasonal-to-seasonal sea-ice forecasts, based on global models with a varying degree of sea-ice model complexity, is evaluated; and, lastly, an unstructured-grid ocean model is equipped with state-of-the-art sea-ice thermodynamics to study the impact of sea-ice model complexity on model performance. In chapter 2, I examine the potential of a geoengineering strategy to restore the Arctic sea ice and to mitigate the warming of the Arctic and global climate throughout the 21st century. The results, obtained with a fully coupled climate model, indicate that it is theoretically possible to delay the melting of the Arctic sea ice by ~60 years, but that this does not reduce global warming. In chapters 3 and 4, I assess the skill of global operational ensemble prediction systems in forecasting the evolution of the Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice edge position at subseasonal timescales. I find that some systems produce skillful forecasts more than 1.5 months ahead, but I also find evidence of substantial model biases and issues concerning data assimilation and model formulation. Chapter 5 deals with the impact of sea-ice model complexity on model performance. I present a new formulation of the FESOM2 sea-ice/ocean model with a revised description of the sea-ice thermodynamics, including various parameterizations of physical processes at the subgrid-scale. The model formulation grants substantial modularity in terms of sea-ice physics and resolution. The new system is used for assessing the impact of the sea-ice model complexity on the FESOM2 performance in different atmosphere-forced setups with a specific parameter-tuning approach and a special focus on sea-ice related variables. The results evidence that a more sophisticated model formulation is beneficial for the model representation of the sea-ice concentration and snow thickness, while less relevant for sea-ice thickness and drift. I also highlight a dependence of the model performance on the atmospheric forcing product used as boundary conditions. In the final part of this thesis, I formulate recommendations for future developments in the field of sea-ice modeling, with particular emphasis on FESOM2 and, more generally, on the modeling infrastructure under development at the Alfred Wegener Institute.

Item Type
Thesis (PhD)
Primary Division
Primary Topic
Publication Status
Eprint ID
DOI 10.26092/elib/446

Cite as
Zampieri, L. (2021): Sea-ice prediction across timescales and the role of model complexity , PhD thesis, Universität Bremen. doi: 10.26092/elib/446

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