Standardized monitoring of permafrost thaw: a user-friendly, multi-parameter protocol

julia.boike [ at ]


There is an urgent need for data collection to better understand permafrost thaw and its interaction with vegetation, hydrology, soil and snow. Greater spatial coverage, and improved coordination and consistency of measurements is particularly needed. To enable this, the Permafrost Thaw Action Group of T-MOSAiC have developed a data collection protocol and a user-friendly app (myThaw) aimed at non experts to facilitate collection and synthesis of data from across the Arctic. Recognising the fundamental role of interactions between the different components of the permafrost system, we addressed the need to measure the interconnected parameters of snow, vegetation, hydrology and permafrost in a single protocol so that measurements will be co-located in space and time, allowing relationships between variables to be disentangled. In particular the protocol locates all measurements on 10-30m transects that are revisited throughout the year. The measured variables include snow depth, vegetation height, soil texture and type, water level and permafrost thaw depth. This protocol uses simple measurements so more difficult-to-measure parameters are not collected, but the lack of specialist equipment and skills should enable a much greater participation in data collection and thus an improved coverage of the permafrost region, which is a central goal of this action group. Along with the protocol and the myThaw app, we present here the first results from the data collection which has been live now for several months, and details of how to get involved.

Item Type
Conference (Talk)
Primary Division
Primary Topic
Helmholtz Cross Cutting Activity (2021-2027)
Research Networks
Peer revision
Not peer-reviewed
Publication Status
Event Details
2021 Regional Conference on Permafrost - 19th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, 24 Oct 2021 - 29 Oct 2021, Virtual Conference.
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Cite as
Chadburn, S. , Boike, J. , Martin, J. , Zwieback, S. , Althuizen, I. , Cai, L. , Coulombe, S. , Lee, H. , Liljedahl, A. K. , Schneebeli, M. , Sjöberg, Y. , Smith, N. , Smith, S. , Streletsky, D. , Stuenzi, S. M. , Westermann, S. and Wilcox, E. (2021): Standardized monitoring of permafrost thaw: a user-friendly, multi-parameter protocol , 2021 Regional Conference on Permafrost - 19th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, Virtual Conference, 24 October 2021 - 29 October 2021 .


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